I love that plant. Rangiora. I dont know why its called rangiora, but rangi means sky and ora life in te reo māori. I first noticed it because of its unusual leaf form.rangiora print by Birgit Moffatt rangiora print by Birgit Moffatt

Then I learnt that it has been used in rongoā, traditional māori medicine. And the first settlers used it as toilet paper because of the soft paper like underside of the leaf.

I tried eco print with rangiora, without much success. My friend Helena wrote me a German bread recipe on a leaf of Rangiora (and the bread is really yummy).bread recipe on Rangiora

Because it has such lovely veins I tried to simple paint it with thickened dye and printed it on my brown paper bags, ready for the Kapiti Arts Trail.

rangiora print by Birgit Moffatt rangiora print by Birgit Moffatt

Finished. Hope to print a new batch soon… rangiora print by Birgit Moffatt

First things first, after a few considerations I decided to give it a go and applied for the Kāpiti Arts Trail 2015. And got in! This will be the first time I open my new studio for the public and I just realized its only 6 weeks to go.

Here the key dates and further information from Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC), you can also download the official Kapiti Arts Guide. Dont miss out and having a browse to see what other amazing local artists have to offer. I am sure it will be a successful two weekends.

fibre studio Birgit Moffatt opening fibre studio 2015

eco print on merino fabric by Birgit Moffattfinished this April, celebrated with a studio warming and it looks so different now as it is in use…

Kapit arts Guide                                                               And this it what it looks like in the Kāpiti Arts Guide



What is better than a walk on a beautiful clear morning? Technically it is still winter but signs of spring showing everywhere! Plus the sounds of the birds and the smell of moist crisp forest air…

nest photo by Birgit Moffatt walk spring blossom Kereru photo by Birgit Moffatt native bush by Birgit Moffatt native bush by Birgit Moffatt Otaki Gorge by Birgit Moffatt photo by Birgit Moffatt kowhai photo by Birgit Moffatt

Cannot describe the feelings but I guess that is a form of belonging. Kia ora Aotearoa!